Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ideas, Beliefs and Creations!

Remember a time when you connected to an idea so deeply that you truly believed it. That idea might still ring with you today, or faded away to new ideas that suit you now. There may be times when you think back to what ideas you used to believe and all you may feel is hatred or regret or fear. There may be times when you love them, wish to be back there. Does that not sound like a better way of thinking about that idea. We should look at all ideas in this way! Is it not how this wonderful world was created, through ideas. And yes, there have been some ideas that have cost millions of lives, and caused terrible pain, but we now need to look past those negative ideas. All we can do is grow from them, learn from them, and love them for the many gifts those ideas have given us, this powerful opportunity to develop, to change, to grow. It changes us, makes us understand that those ideas do not fit who you want to be, and so those ideas fade away.

We have to look at ideas, all ideas, past, present, future, with love, and appreciation for teaching us, helping us, and moving us forward on this adventure. By approaching ideas with these emotions, we enable our ability to understand the idea, see if it fits with you, and then we can either take it in or let it go. If we let fear and anger affect the way we look at things, we will only be clouded by judgement. But remember those times are important for growth and understanding, as this is a process, a process for you to understand who you are and who you want to be! We know the past has haunted many and corrupted many, but they are just going through another experience, something they need to understand their own self, and what ideas sit right with them. And there are many, many more ideas that we follow and trust that have brought great prosperity, fantastic opportunity, joy and love. When we get lost in the ideas that don't sit with us, we will only express the hatred we have over those ideas, instead of focusing on the great, the wonderful, the fantastic ideas that you follow and harness every day!

And remember that the ideas you have right now, as you are reading this are absolutely perfect for you, and who you want to be. But don't forget, those ideas can change in a moment, by a simple word, a simple phrase, or a simple idea.

I love you all very much
Love, Love and more Love to you.

Channeled By Nick Fox 

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