Sunday, July 28, 2013

What is Truth/True?

What is true? Well that depends on you. The only thing that decides whether something is true or not true, is you. You decide your own reality, we all know this, and truth is exactly the same. We decide our own truth to lead us down our path, the path that we decided on before we were born on this planet. And everyone else on this planet does the same. 

So this is a powerful lesson for us all. To not judge and criticize other peoples truths, even if they seem outrageous and crazy, because most of the time they think the same about your own truth. Right now your truths, beliefs and ideas are 100% perfect and in line with your divine self, if they were not then you would not have them. Everything you think, feel, taste, hear, touch, smell, see and know is perfect right now and has been perfect in your past. But all of those ideas and beliefs can change in a moment, which is the beauty and magnificence of our life as humans. The future always brings new things. Love your truth, and believe, because it is powerful.

We often search for truth, looking in many places or sticking with one. We say please give me the true truth, the ultimate truth and I will follow. But is there really an ultimate truth. You might say source is the ultimate truth, and yes, source is all that is and all that ever will be. But I feel that truth and source are different. Source is everything. Source does not need to be a truth because Source already is. Truth comes in when you create, when you experience. Truth comes in when you are finding your way on your path back to source. Source does not need truth, as source is what truth is made of. People often ask what religion is true, which idea, belief or concept is true, that question can only be answered by you. No one can tell you what is truth, as their truth is their own truth. Now that does not mean you do not listen and hear and understand their truth, it just means that you need to personally decide what is your truth and if their truth resonates with you. 

Now, judgements of ideas and beliefs are not necessary and not important. Source created everything, Source is in everything, in every political party, every concept, every religion, in everything that is here on this planet, so why are we so eager to judge. So never feel that that religion, political party, or person is useless or destructive, it is not, it is divine. Your truth is perfect, their truth is perfect, no one is right or wrong, they might be wrong to you and that’s fine, but in source’s eyes it is all perfect, right and true. It all leads to the one, back to Source, to the heart of one, where all is. 

Sometimes it is important for us to critique or contemplate other truths to strengthen and understand our own, and sometimes we discover that another truth is just as real and of value as ours. When we have those connections we embrace that new truth while letting go of truths that no longer serve or value our path. That process is divine. That changing of mind, of soul, is powerful and always symbolizes an achievement and a change in you. You are being guided to a new path or a new challenge, and that is just fantastic! So have fun with your emotions, ideas, and truths. Play with them and see where they lead you, see how they can change you, and once you have all that you need from that truth, you can peacefully and lovingly release it to embrace new. Your beliefs and truths are guided, protected, and divinely cared for by thousands and thousands of loved ones, so do not fear your truths. Embrace them, love them, and look forward with optimism for the next new exciting truth that comes your way!

By Nick Fox


Monday, July 22, 2013

Ideas, Beliefs, and Creations! Part 3 of 3

Ideas, Beliefs, and Creations! Part 3 of 3

Love is forever powerful. It is Divine, it is One, it is all things. You are never apart or far from love. It is inside of you and it is shining! It is shining like a sun, so smile and love yourself for what a wonderful light you bring to this world! Never forget that you have that light, always shining, in and outwards, bringing you love, hope and divine creations!

Creations are all around us. Everything around us is a creation, the sky, the universe, the sun, the stars, your boots, and your hat. There is endless, limitless creation all around you and within you. You are that creation. You created it all. You created it with millions, billions and even trillions of other souls, and best of all, you created it with your true Mother and Father. Yes, the Divine Mother and the Divine Father. You are inside their one, whole, heart. You live inside there with endless love, and endless possibilities!

You also create individually, with your reality, to create a life that you desire and require for your return into One. Every thing and every moment in your life is agreed upon by you. You create everything in your life for a powerful divine reason that you, and the Mother and Father know. You and only you create what is in your reality, and yes, you, and only you can change it to make it better. BUT thankfully, we all have many, many, many Angels, Loved Ones, Arch Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters, and many, many other beings that are helping, guiding and supporting us along this journey. And always remember that they are right next to you. Experiencing it with you. They are with you in every moment. Lifting you up, holding your hand, loving your wounds. They will help you no matter what so get used to it! ('They' laugh). Call on them. Call on them. They will help, always. They do help you, always. They are with you.

So create with joy and optimism and love! Dont let others hold you back, charge forward with love and you will never look back. Now, that does not mean we suggest abandoning your loved ones for selfish ideas, but you can take times to remove yourself, for periods of self loving. For periods to nurture yourself, and love yourself for doing and being the being of love and light you are. And in those times, imagine, create, divulge into things you have a passion for. That is where your true path is. Where you are in joy and happiness, that is your place. When you are in joy and happiness, that is your place. That is your right. So from now, look at all experiences as perfect, as divine, as exactly what you need. Because they are your creations! And you only create what you need and desire most as to continue your highest divine goal of returning to One, to God, to the Mother and Father.

Your creations are a part of you, a reflection of you, and a mirror of you. So look for the things you can learn and play with! Yes Play! Play with what you create you will always know what to do because you will know that what is in front of you in that moment is exactly what you created, and it is exactly what you need to think, hear, see, smell, taste, touch, feel and/or know.

You are divine and powerful, and will always create from the heart of God, of One, of the Divine Mother and Father, because that is where you live, that is where you play, that is where you belong. You are God, One, the Father, and the Mother. You are them in every way and form. Inside you, inside your heart, is God, is all. And that is where creations are born.  

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Ideas, Beliefs, and Creations! Part 2 of 3

I have already discussed beliefs, and the power our own beliefs have on our lives. I would like to add onto that, and also bring forward some other concepts about beliefs and their influence.

When we truly believe something, we often do not understand how deeply that belief shapes and influences our lives. Our realities are constantly being created, our futures are always changing and shifting based on many things, and one of those most important influences is our beliefs.

If we truly believe that we are without limits, we will be without limits. If we believe that we have the whole world against us, we will experience that, until we make the conscious choice, the conscious decision to move past that belief. And trust me its easier to do then you think.

Instead of letting your old beliefs of insecurity, fear, and anger affect who you are, why not make the decision now to change one of those beliefs. It can be a simple one, like I am afraid of loosing my keys, or a very influential one, like I am afraid of death. Now just sit with that feeling, that fear, that anger, that worry, what ever emotion, it does not matter, you do not even need to give it a name. And sit with that while taking in three deep breaths, sinking deeper and deeper into that emotion, that belief.

Now say to yourself, out loud or in your heart, I love you, I accept you, I welcome you, I love you. Say that as many times as you like, in any order you like. Just love and be grateful for that belief, because (and I can promise you this) that belief was vital to all that you have experienced. But it is no longer needed now, you have moved past that.

Now this belief might disappear instantly, or it may take a couple of days or weeks. What ever! The time it takes to leave you and transform, is perfect, please do not feel like you are doing something wrong, because you are doing everything right!

So again lets bring up that emotion, that belief, and look at it. Has it gotten smaller? has it gotten bigger? is it even still there? It may disappear for now and come back or it may be gone for ever. What ever the case, know that you have just dramatically shifted yourself, you have changed yourself, your being, your vibration. You are a new you. And that belief, that feeling, has transformed into something brighter, something lighter, that you can now work with in new ways.

Love you, love your beliefs, love your ideas! They are so perfect and wonderful for you! They are exactly what you need right now. But remember, they can change with every moment, every breath. So play with your beliefs, play with your ideas, do not get so attached, its not the end of the world, its just another step forward. Look back with love, and forward with optimism, and always focus on the now.

Love, Love and more Love to each and every one of you!

By Nick Fox

Ideas, Beliefs and Creations!

Remember a time when you connected to an idea so deeply that you truly believed it. That idea might still ring with you today, or faded away to new ideas that suit you now. There may be times when you think back to what ideas you used to believe and all you may feel is hatred or regret or fear. There may be times when you love them, wish to be back there. Does that not sound like a better way of thinking about that idea. We should look at all ideas in this way! Is it not how this wonderful world was created, through ideas. And yes, there have been some ideas that have cost millions of lives, and caused terrible pain, but we now need to look past those negative ideas. All we can do is grow from them, learn from them, and love them for the many gifts those ideas have given us, this powerful opportunity to develop, to change, to grow. It changes us, makes us understand that those ideas do not fit who you want to be, and so those ideas fade away.

We have to look at ideas, all ideas, past, present, future, with love, and appreciation for teaching us, helping us, and moving us forward on this adventure. By approaching ideas with these emotions, we enable our ability to understand the idea, see if it fits with you, and then we can either take it in or let it go. If we let fear and anger affect the way we look at things, we will only be clouded by judgement. But remember those times are important for growth and understanding, as this is a process, a process for you to understand who you are and who you want to be! We know the past has haunted many and corrupted many, but they are just going through another experience, something they need to understand their own self, and what ideas sit right with them. And there are many, many more ideas that we follow and trust that have brought great prosperity, fantastic opportunity, joy and love. When we get lost in the ideas that don't sit with us, we will only express the hatred we have over those ideas, instead of focusing on the great, the wonderful, the fantastic ideas that you follow and harness every day!

And remember that the ideas you have right now, as you are reading this are absolutely perfect for you, and who you want to be. But don't forget, those ideas can change in a moment, by a simple word, a simple phrase, or a simple idea.

I love you all very much
Love, Love and more Love to you.

Channeled By Nick Fox